What do you do if you're a ballsy pro-life state representative, on the day the state House votes whether to recognize the 90th anniversary of Planned Parenthood in your state?
Why, you invite a young handicapped woman to sing the National Anthem on the floor, and after the thunderous applause dies down, you let them know that she's an abortion survivor. Not a post-abortive woman --- a post-abortive fetus, one who survived and grew to adulthood. And then you get the gavel...
Here's Colorado Representative Ted Harvey's remarkable story in his own words, via BaylyBlog. Here's the Denver Post article, from which the above quotation is taken.
And how many pro-abortion activists and voters are willing to let babies die for the defense of liberal politics?
Posted by: Christina Martin | 14 June 2006 at 12:14 AM
Six days later, Amy Welborn and Gerald of Closed Cafeteria are leading with this story that you posted on the 13th, Erin.
Great job!
Posted by: Ray from MN | 20 June 2006 at 05:31 PM