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19 June 2007


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Mimi Rothschild

Thanks for sharing some of your homeschooling experience. Latin is a great language to learn and very helpful.


My husband and I are really enjoying our Latin, and our daughter is chomping at the bit to start it too. She's not too impressed at our vocabulary though - she keeps asking how to say different words and of course none of them are words that we know! I was planning on starting in Sept. with her, but for no real reason. Maybe I'll go ahead and start sooner and see how it goes.

BTW, I very much agree about the grammar aspect of Latin - I have always been shaky on my parts of speech and I finally feel like I'm starting to figure it out now that I've been studying Latin for almost a month.


We've been doing Prima Latina this summer, too. My almost 4-year-old, who seldom speaks, mimics the CD and it's hysterical. Hopefully, we'll be proficient enough by the end of summer to get the next book in the series.

I agree that the CD narrator's accent left me wondering, Am I pronouncing this stuff right? We have strong southern accents and I assumed that we would have to struggle to sound Italian or something. But to my surprise, the woman on the Cd sounded just like us. Ha.

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