Much discussion in a long comment thread at Danielle Bean's blog about being open to life, or giving your fertility over to God, and what that means. (h.t. Minnesota Mom, who offers her own p.o.v.)
I've read many such threads over the years. For the first time, though, scrolling down through name after name, I was struck by the absence of ... half the human race.
Many of the women wrote eloquently. Some wrote about their spouses' points of view, but by necessity we got those points filtered through the women's voices too.
It's not that there aren't men out there writing about NFP. But they're few and far between, and writing mostly as individuals.
I'd love to see, someday, a comment thread 118+ posts long, all in the voices of the husbands and fathers, telling what "being open to life" means to them, what it means to trust God with their own fertility.
Or it would be okay to not see it, to give the guys their privacy, a room of their own, but it would be nice to know that it's out there somewhere.
UPDATE: Darwin points me here. I am not sure this is what I was thinking of.
UPDATE: Link fixed.
Splutter! (on the Matthew Lickona post, not the Danielle Bean)
Posted by: CJ | 21 October 2007 at 08:26 AM
I can't get the update link to work. Thanks!
Posted by: 4ddintx | 22 October 2007 at 11:26 AM
Thanks for fixing the link...really funny! My dh should enjoy that thread.
Posted by: 4ddintx | 24 October 2007 at 05:00 PM