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12 March 2009


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This is so interesting to me. I've never been athletic. I had some opportunities when I was in school and for a variety of reasons (parents' schedules, my insecurity, etc) I never took advantage of them. My parents made them optional, unfortunately, and I excelled at academics and music, so my plate was full. I've always regretted that.

I've been working out consistently to a video (t-tapp) because it's a solid workout that is short, combines strength training with aerobics, and I don't have to worry about childcare cause it's in my living room. I've always given up in the past when leaving my house and childcare were issues. I'm really enjoying it and already feel stronger and more active.

I'm also starting to desire "more"--which is weird for me. I'd like to run, I think! Which I've never liked before. I'm going to continue with babysteps and making this fit in my schedule longterm--but I know that the next activity I will add will be running/walking on our treadmill or outdoors as the situation allows. You've really nailed it--I want to be an athlete for the first time in my life! But, I'm going to hold the course and not bite off more than I can chew, get discouraged and sink back into inactivity. I'm going to continue my DVD, continue getting stronger and more fit, and the athlete part will come--cause this is a longterm endeavor and I have the rest of my life to achieve it!

Thanks for the step by steps that you've outlined in all of these posts. It's been encouraging to see where I've already taken the steps and helpful to pinpoint the next things I need to work on and think about.

Thanks, Tabitha


"I'm trying to run for 20 minutes without letting a complaining or whiny thought surface in my mind!"

In getting more comfortable with running, it was key for me to accept the whiny thoughts. Running almost always makes my joints complain for the first quarter-mile, and then it gets more comfortable. I never want to run the last quarter-mile, but I can do it. I am not getting any younger and so I expect that my ankles will continue to complain about getting warmed up, but I can run through the complaints now, knowing more about my capabilities.

Enjoying the series!

Kim (in IA)

I remember a while back when you referred to me in a post as your "friend who is a triathlete." I was shocked because I didn't think of myself as such and surprised that you identified me that way. Now, here I am almost 8 months pregnant and wondering if I can be in shape to do a local triathlon by September. The idea of training to get in on a race this year (and the hope that physical fitness will help my L&D) is what keeps me going to the gym these days.

As a former high school klutz who had to walk the required one-mile-run and didn't think there was anything I could do to prevent that "B" in gym class that ruined my GPA, I am appreciating this series on activity as well. My first one-mile run was just before my 30th birthday! I can definitely identify with a lot of the recommendations you are making and I hope that they are helpful to others.


love this idea and totally agree. in the fall, i began the couch potato to 5k running program and saw myself as a runner. i loved the sport, the goal setting, the reading up on it. in the middle, i developed bronchitis and it led to having lungs that look 5 months to heal. i can no longer run outside and i don't have a treadmill. if i just (see my sad thinking?) do exercise videos, what kind of athlete would that be?


Mary, my next post in the series is for you then :-)


This is the kind of post I love, because I have positive answers to all the questions. :) Very encouraging! Thanks!

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