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31 December 2010


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Angela C.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! You don't know how much I appreciate these kinds of posts, and your whole blog, Erin. It's very informative and inspiring. I know that if I were to buy a book like this, I'd find it interesting but difficult to apply specifically without the kinds of examples that you refer to from your own life. Plus, I wanted to tell you that when you wrote about noticing hunger pangs, and not being afraid of them, I used that information for myself starting last February during some medical issues of my own. It helped me enormously! God bless you and keep up the good work.


Thanks for the review, I always appreciate your book reviews. I just requested the book from the library and I'm looking forward to reading it. Maybe I might even be able to get my husband to read it or think about it. Talk about someone resistant to change! :-)

Merry Christmas and happy new year!


I enjoyed this book review. The idea of the "divided self" is something that is discussed in a spiritual book I've been reading (Growing in the Virtues of Jesus by Quentin Hakeneworth). It talks about the "ego self" and the "true self" ; the "true self" being the self that Jesus wants us to be, and the "ego self" being the self that wants attention, etc. So I'm interested int this Switch book, I'll read the chapter on the authors website. thanks for posting.

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