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19 November 2011


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Amy F

Our family loves the snap circuits sets. I'm pretty sure my 5 year old is more knowledgeable about circuits than I am (with my engineering bachelor's).

jen ambrose

I bought Singapore's Science series this year to give it a try. My 8 year old has already read every dinosaur and geology book we'd let him get his hands on. I am really happy with the Singapore Math, and I think I am with his Chinese textbooks as well (I hire someone to do that with him). I'll see how it goes as this year progresses.

Dorian Speed

I didn't know Singapore *had* a science series; will have to check that out.

I really appreciate these posts and am bookmarking them to come back to!


I just found out that Memoria Press has started one. I really like their Latin, so it is probably worth checking out.


Have you heard of Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding?(BFSU) It doesn't pass the math test, but it doesn't dumb down the concepts from what I've seen. It's not slick, and it's definitely a thinking curriculum.

The author has a yahoo support group, too.

Your method sounds great - I just thought I'd pass this along.

Amy F

I'd like to bring back Amanda's question about BFSU. After a month of trying nature study as our science curriculum, knowing that the boys eat up science in their free time, we're all frustrated and I just got the BFSU first volume.


I don't know anything about it. How does it look to you?


I'm using BFSU volume one with my current first grader. Caveat, I'm an English lit major and not a science geek; but we love it so far.

The way I use it is as a sort of guide to help us organize and introduce topics and then I go to the library and find books to help us explore in greater depth. I get a whole bunch of books and then let my daughter's interests guide the direction of our further inquiry. I think in a homeschooling environment you can have the flexibility to allow for going into depth in a few areas that really capture the child's interest.

There is a definite emphasis on logical thinking, classification, and cause and effect. An attempt to cover a wide range of topics in a systematic way with one idea leading to another like stepping stones building understanding rather than a sort of scattershot of topics.

I would love to hear what people who have more of a science background think of it.

My recent blog review (based on doing three or four lessons) is here.

Amy F

I haven't gotten through all the intro material yet. I showed it to my physics teacher husband and it passed his "is this full of lame cheesiness?" test, at least.

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