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20 July 2013


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I'm really interested in these posts! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I was looking for the book of selected writings at Abebooks.com and when I put just Elizabeth Leseur as the title up popped a books called "An Infinity of Questions: a Study of the Religion of Art and the Art of Religion in the lives of Five Women: Helen Foley, Katherine Mansfield, France Pastorelli, Elizabeth Leseur, and St. Therese of Liseux."

It would be interesting to see if the author connects St. Therese and Elizabeth Leseur the way you did in your first post.

Thanks again.


With a theme of "the religion of art and the art of religion" I am certainly curious.


I really want to read this book! I dislike reading diary excerpts from someone I am not familiar... But it never would have occurred to me to skip those parts until later. I can be far too linear in my approach to books!

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