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19 July 2014


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Hooray! I hope you'll update how the lifting goes. It sounds like the doctor knows her stuff about what your body is capable of and how much to push yourself. It sounds like you're glad you went, and I'm happy for you. :)


I could not believe how much time she spent with me. I have had midwife appointments shorter than that.


Sounds like a fantastic and worthwhile appointment, hooray! Enjoy your weight training.


What an interesting post. The body is so complicated and wonderful, I'm thankful we have specialists who are experts and also conscientious and thorough. I have a PT who has helped me so much because she is like that. And you are wise to start strength-training, because as the book says, "Strong Women Stay Young". God bless you.


A great doctor and great news! It is hard to find a doctor that will spend time with you - not impossible - but hard!

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