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16 March 2015


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Michelle Westrich

I was 90% sure I was going to buy Mapping the World With Art. Now I am 100% sure. Your description of the African cookie reminded me that even if it takes us years to get through the book, the drawings AND the projects are something that will help them remember what they learn! Much more worth the time than slamming our way through a curriculum and ending up with low retention anyway.


That geography curriculum looks so very interesting. I love maps, but it seems like most "geography" curricula are fixed on identifying the GDP numbers of every country in existence which makes my eyes gloss over.


I just wanted to stop in and say hi because I always read but never comment and you deserve more acknowledgement! Thank you for sharing, your words are so nice to hear because they really ring of wisdom. I'm always encouraged to read an honest, and hardworking homeschooling mom!


thanks for the kind words, Christy!

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