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19 August 2015


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Is he right-handed? Your first one?


Three cheers for stories in laps and date nights out! Sounds like you are off to a good start.


Jenny-- yes, he does appear to be right-handed! I think we'll keep him anyway.

I do feel like I'm off to a good start. Today was a day off, though. Park and lunch out, and then the 15yo is going on a long bike ride.


I would love to read a post about how you've introduced food to your children and encouraged adventuresome eating. I love to cook and try new things and I've slowly gotten my husband to appreciate good food (he grew up with all convenience food). Now that the baby is venturing into solids, I'm starting to think about how I can avoid a picky eater. I'm thinking you've got some good ideas if a mini can of tuna is a beloved breakfast item!

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