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08 August 2015


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I have appreciated your writing for years. :) As a Calvinist. And I note in passing your understanding of the doctrine of total depravity is seriously flawed. If you're curious, drop me an email. Blessings.



Of course I'm curious! Tell me more about it. An email has been dropped to you.

(In my defense, if it helps at all, I was mostly trying to work with my admittedly vague understanding of the concept as it arose in historical Jansenism, i.e., the 17th-18th century French movement within Catholicism, rather than as it exists in modern Calvinism.)

Barbara C.

Well, that last little paragraph really got to me. It is just so beautiful, and if I were to ever to enter into marriage again, THAT is what I want.



I ran across that list yesterday of 100 books Catholics should read in a lifetime. I noticed the book you're blogging about on the list.

Thank you for your comments on this book. I would like ro pursue more study of the nature/will difference.

I have also been thinking lots about being thankful in all things (and about how to encourage this in my kids, one often negative attitude child in particular). One Sunday at Mass it really struck me in the liturgy: "It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks...". What would change in my life if I truly applied that?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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I think I read something somewhere about this

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