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09 November 2015


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Have you read Being Mortal? SO SO SO good.

Praying for you and family, esp. with those painful family-of-origin issues.


Since my grandmother died this summer, my father and his siblings have been putting her affairs in order and dividing the estate. Part of the estate is the farmhouse my father grew up in. It has been stripped nearly bare. I am sad to think that my youngest children will likely have no memory of what it was like to romp at grandma's house. There is no one left to live in it and yet it sits in the middle of a 200 acre family farm that isn't going to be sold. What is there to be done with it? They can sell it or they can rent it. Neither options are appealing.

I do not yet feel like an old person because my parents are the ones handling these matters. But I can see in the distance ahead that we will carry the entire weight of my MIL whenever her health declines and I am aware that this time of focusing inwardly on my own little family is fleeting.


Thanks for the recommendation Jamie - I'll check it out. And thanks for the other thing too.


Goodbye to the hobby farm! I'll miss it too -- it was a lovely, wonderful place, even just to visit two or three times.

I've had to deal with family crises a few times in the past years, and I've come away feeling how good it is to have other family members to lean on, to spread the burden, even if they're at a distance and can only offer moral support. It makes a big difference not to have to go through it alone.

I saw the "NFP Over 40" discussion, and it seems interesting, but I'm not there yet (this is where the difference of a few years between me and many of my friends comes into play). Hope you guys are still going strong when I need the advice and help!

Margaret in MN

So much here that resonates. I've been praying for you, Erin, and ask that you do the same for us.

(We'll be traveling to see my 93-year-old parents over Thanksgiving. I'm thinking a lot about a life well-lived.)

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