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21 September 2016


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You are inspiring. Pretty soon you will probably get to know some Somalis personally and they can help you with the language learning!


It's too bad I'm reflexively anti-social and flee from small talk. It's a tragic flaw in someone who loves languages.

Christy P.

But you love coffee and breakfast, perhaps starting with visiting a Somali cafe to eat and absorb the language floating around you? Also, Google Translate (free app!) includes Somali, but I'll bet that you have to be online to use it. The translate text from a photo is super helpful.


There are definitely some cafes around here, more up by the west bank of the university.

Also one of the food co-ops offers Somali cooking classes

But we'll see how far I get. I tried to play with Google Translate and had limited success making sense of it

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