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13 October 2017


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Melanie B

Ooh I'm intrigued by Et Ils Eurent Beaucoup d'Enfants...


I am too. It might be the first one I read. Stay tuned for more books I bought, though.


I haven't read 'Et Ils Eurent Beaucoup d'Enfants...' (I've got kind of snobby about reading matter in French now that my comprehension speed is almost the same as in English) but I am absolutely fascinated by the author (who oddly attended my London university) the book is a follow up from a suprise hit reality TV appearance, and there is also a 2+ hour interview on a French Oprah style programme available in its entierety on YouTube, (which I highly reccommend) as well as several interviews in the newspapers. She comes across as one of the most intelligent, composed, self assured women I have seen, and she discusses the dynamics of family and intimate life in **the most french** way.


Wow! I will have to look for that!

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I think I read something somewhere about this

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