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18 August 2024


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I drew a little insight on how she might view her silence from this entry of 19 Feb 1913:
"This morning, after Communion, I had, in a brief vision, the thought of the three tabernacles that Jesus deigns to inhabit: first, in the heights of his Heaven, the bosom of the inaccessible Trinity in the ineffable union of his Humanity to his Divinity. This is the tabernacle of his glory, where we will only contemplate Him after having stripped off our mortal garments. Then, the [Eucharistic] host where he veils himself in order to approach close to us, live in our midst, always ready to welcome us, to listen to us. This is the tabernacle of his love. Finally, our soul, into which he comes by Holy Communion, uniting himself admirably with it, making himself its Guest, its Friend, its spiritual Food, remaining there in it spiritually as long as the substance persists. This is the tabernacle of his Heart, the place of his delights, of his rest, of his joy.
"Oh! how I would like my soul to be for him all at once a Heaven, a tabernacle, and these holy appearances [I think she means the Eucharistic species] under which he comes to me! Behind this veil where my Lord hides himself, I will let him shine through, to attract souls to him, the dear souls that he wants to save."
I think I detect here a metaphor. Her verbal silence about Christ, the privacy of her devotions, prayers, sacrifices, and mortifications, is analogous to the hiddenness of Christ under the Eucharistic species. She uses the idea of the "veil" behind which she hides Christ so that he can shine through to people, multiple times throughout the journal, and here she uses the veil idea rather traditionally to represent the appearances of the Eucharist, which conceal the living Christ by design in a way we can swallow, literally and metaphorically.


Thank you for sharing this here! I really appreciate your thoughtful working through spiritual works like this, and I am not on FB. Maybe I need to go get a copy of EL...

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I think I read something somewhere about this

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