We attended a wedding this past weekend on Mark's side of the family.
Afterward, as we arrived at the reception, we encountered a table where guests could leave a thumbprint, in our choice of several shades of green, on a black-and-white image of a bare-branched tree -- leafing the tree -- that would form a framed memento. I thought that was a nice variation on the guestbook idea.
As I struggled in with one teenager and four more children in tow, my eye was caught by a glass container and a stack of notecards and a pen, with a sign inviting us to write our advice for the newlyweds on a card and drop it into the container.
This is not such an unusual variation, and I might have expected it, after all.
As Mark and the kids went on down the hall towards the kids' room with the movies and coloring pages and the grownups' room with the open bar and the trays of hors d'oeuvres, I was the only one who paused to write something, but I did not have time to think for more than a few seconds. On the other hand, I take questions like this rather seriously.
A number of things went through my mind. I summed them up with this one line:
Never try to get even.
If I had had more time to think, I would have added: "Interpret that as broadly as possible."
What one line would you write?
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